
本次依然由本中心研究團隊整理出2019年第二季4月初至6月底期間,由老師和同學們提供的9個場次題目訊息 (場次如下: 4/13、4/14、5/4、5/11、5/18、5/19、6/1、6/16、6/29),準備考試的同學可以由出現的「閱讀」和「聽力」主題分布來選擇接近的主題做練習。



1.    The moth diversity [Biology] 
2.    Egypt and Mesopotamia
3.    The dawn of life [Biology] 
4.    Lenpard Horticulture [Archaeology]

✔    學生與教授
✔    學生與教授

1.    研究某太平洋小島上的人種 [Archaeology]
2.    綠建築的定義與類型 [Architecture] 
3.    使用恐龍骨頭切片了解其生存情況 [Archaeology]

<<Task 1>>
If the advance of technology let us live in the place that was impossible to live in the past, where would you like to choose?
1.    ocean surface
2.    moon or mars
3.    extreme cold conditions like polar areas

<<Task 2>>
The elders like board game and card game, but younger generations prefer cell phone or computer games. Which is better? Why?


<<Task 2>>
Do you agree or disagree with the following idea?
Modern children take too much time on technology toys, like computers, video games, tablets. It is better to play simper toys and play outside for children.

1.    火山噴發與氣候變化
2.    以恐龍化石研究長頸龍是否為陸生動物 [Archaeology] 
3.    冰川作用 [Geology]
4.    紐約柏油馬路的應用和推廣 [Society] 
5.    Postclassical economy growth [Economy]

✔    學校的共乘制度
✔    學生和教授討論career fair

Lecture – 1:樹葉為何在秋天變色 [Biology] 
Lecture – 2:如何辨別畫的真假 [Art] 
Lecture – 3:古羅馬混凝土建築

<<Task 1>>
What is your least favorite personality trait of a friend?

<<Task 2>>
Some people like to make plans in advance when they decide to travel, while others prefer to make decisions when they are travelling. Which do you prefer?

Do you agree or disagree that students do not respect teachers much as they did in the past?

1.    鹿角的作用
2.    森林植被的溫度 [Biology] 
3.    恐龍屬於恆溫還是變溫動物 [Archaeology] 
4.    公司併購 [Society] 

✔    學生和老師
✔    學生和管理員

Lecture – 1:研究某流域的兩種族群 [Anthropology] 
Lecture – 2:法國畫家的風格探討 [Art]
Lecture – 3:蜥蜴逃跑的特點 [Biology] 
Lecture – 4:音樂的作用 [Art]

<<Task 1>>
Which kind of final examination would you choose at the end of a semester?
1. Research paper
2. Oral exam
3. Paper examination

<<Task 2>>
Your university is going to give out a scholarship of $5,000. Who do you think should receive the scholarship, students with high academic performance or students that need financial aids?


<<Task 2>> 
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
The most important goal for education is to teach people how to educate themselves.

1.    19世紀美國城市的發展
2.    菌類對青蛙的影響 [Biology] 
3.    一種污染POPs在極地的傳播方式 [Biology] 
4.    古代蘇美爾文明 [History]

✔    師生討論:數學問題
✔    師生討論:論文選題

Lecture – 1:討論博物館為何要展覽汽車 [Art] 
Lecture – 2:螞蟻的動物行為 [Animal Behavior] 
Lecture – 3:嬰兒哭鬧所代表的含義 [Psychology] 
Lecture – 4:超導體材料的運作方式 [Physics]

<<Task 1>>
Where do you like to study? At home, in a library, or at a coffee shop?

<<Task 2>>
Do you agree or disagree with the statement that children can learn valuable things from playing video games?


<<Task 2>>
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Some people think that younger children should be taken care of by the other children in a family; others think that younger children should be taken care of by their parents or other adults in their family. What is your opinion and why?
Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

1.    青蛙叫聲的研究
2.    拉丁美洲獨立之後的歷史 [History] 
3.    探討星體形成的原因 [Astronomy] 
4.    探討家庭代工手工做木製籃子的歷史 [History]

✔    學生和服務中心員工
✔    學生和教授

Lecture – 1:討論一種新的DNA技術來測算建築的時期 [Archaeology] 
Lecture – 2:某個作家和四種樂器 [Art] 
Lecture – 3:貓和老鼠之間的關係
Lecture – 4:噪音對海洋生物的影響 [Biology]

<<Task 1>>
Which do you think is the most helpful to protect the environment?
1. Government
2. Organization
3. Individual

<<Task 2>>
Which teacher’s courses would you like to take? A teacher who is humorous in class or a teacher who is serious in class?


<<Task 2>>
Doing which activity do you think can help you to strengthen the friendship between you and your friend?
1. Having a good time together with you friend.
2. Solving your friend’s problem with him or her.

1.    寄居蟹的研究
2.    鳥築窩的條件 [Biology] 
3.    兩種岩漿 [Geology] 
4.    古希臘的種植業
5.    root和grain的營養問題
6.    類似於金字塔的建築
7.    歐洲經濟蕭條對於農業科技的影響


✔    師生討論:植物研究
✔    師生討論:職業選擇

Lecture – 1:玻璃製品的研究 [Art] 
Lecture – 2:北極熊的研究
Lecture – 3:白矮星與黑洞的研究 [Astronomy] 
Lecture – 4:中國雕刻技術 [Art]

<<Task 1>>
Nowadays, instead of communicating face to face, people communicate through a video chat app more often. Talk about one advantage and one disadvantage of communicating through a video chat app.

<<Task 2>>
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
A school should no more require students to do experiments but show students the videos of experiments. Why? Include reasons and examples to support your response.


<<Task 2>>
Many schools require young children (age 5-11) to study together in small groups instead of studying alone. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Requiring children to study in groups is the best way to teach them. And why?

1.    美國經濟發展史介紹
2.    鳥類的體溫特性 [Biology]
3.    碳水化合物脂肪等有機物的含量計算 [Chemistry] 
4.    兩種澳洲鳥類的蛋殼化石研究 [Biology]

✔    師生討論:選課事宜
✔    師生討論:舉辦音樂會

Lecture – 1:鳥類的導航能力 [Biology] 
Lecture – 2:行星死亡的現象和原因分析
Lecture – 3:風景畫 [Art] 
Lecture – 4:牛頓的引力學說和愛因斯坦相對論 [Physics]

<<Task 1>>
1. 舉辦免費音樂會
2. 開放圖書館
3. 提供大學級別的免費課程

<<Task 2>>


<<Task 2>>
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

1.    城市化 (Urbanization)的原因
2.    非洲大型食草動物的介紹 [Biology] 
3.    恐龍孵化後行為探討 [Biology] 
4.    珊瑚和一種藻類(algae)的共生關係 [Biology]

✔    學生和學校人員:退課與退款事宜
✔    師生討論:採訪與問卷

Lecture – 1:兒童的音樂能力發展 [Psychology] 
Lecture – 2:莎士比亞的藝術史 [Art] 
Lecture – 3:鳥類的學習行為和先天行為 [Biology] 
Lecture – 4:蜉蝣生物與其捕食者 [Biology]

<<Task 1>>
The Student Union is going to organize a program to attract new students. Which one of the following program should they choose?
1. Studying abroad
2. Internship
3. Scholarship

<<Task 2>>
If you have a misunderstanding with your friend, do you prefer talking it out in a public place or in a private place?


<<Task 2>>
If you go travelling to a city for the first time, but you only have a limited amount of time, which place will you choose to visit?
1. Touring the historic sites
2. Going shopping on some markets
3. Going to the restaurant or cafe

1.    海底生物的偽裝
2.    瑪雅文明的衰落 [History] 
3.    動物的運動能力 [Biology] 
4.    探討有關日照對植物開花的影響。
5.    歐洲小國工業化後的經濟發展。
6.    過去對於農作物的馴化。
7.    談論日本的藝術發展。


✔    學生和書店員工:購書問題
✔    師生討論:鳥類問題

Lecture – 1:用電腦程式破譯古代文稿的新方式 [Archaeology] 
Lecture – 2:外來物種對生態環境造成的影響與分析 [Ecology] 
Lecture – 3:銀河系外探測到紅矮星 [Astronomy] 
Lecture – 4:馬鈴薯在歷史上的作用與價值 [History]

<<Task 1>>
Going to university or college can benefit people in many ways other than helping them to find a job. Please state at least one benefit of going to university or college. Use details and examples in your answer.

<<Task 2>>
Some people sell the gifts their friends gave them or give the gifts to others. Do you think this is a good idea? Why?


<<Task 2>>
How to arouse the students’ interest in studying?
1. Using technology in the classroom more often
2. Asking students to have group talk more often
3. Explaining to the students what they learned is related to the world outside classroom.












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